Cookie Policy

Internet 'cookies' are extremely common. They're stored on everyone's computer and don't harm your system.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your browser as you surf the web.

Contrary to a common belief, cookies do not contain software programs, so cannot install anything on a computer.

Cookies generally do not contain any information that would identify a person. Usually they contain a string of text or "unique identifier". This acts like a label. When a website sees the string of text it set in a cookie, it knows the browser is one it has seen before.

If you use a different computer, open a new web browser or delete your cookies, the website will treat you as if you have arrived for the first time (and a new cookie will be set).

You can find out more about cookies by visiting

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to provide an enhanced experience for our customers and to provide our service to you; this personally identifiable information is only used by us and is not shared with third parties. Cookies allow us to remember your preferences and personalise our site.

Cookies also help us understand what customers like to look at on our site. This information does not allow us to identify any particular customer but helps us to understand our customers' needs and improve our service to you.

The table below shows all of the cookies that might be set by us when you visit our site and why we use them.


These cookies enable the function of Clicktale. Clicktale helps us understand how people interact with our website, allowing us to make improvements to site content and navigation.

__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz

These cookies enable the function of Google Analytics. This software helps us analyse visitor information such as browser usage, new visitor numbers, response to marketing activity. That information helps us to improve the website.


ASP.NET issues a cookie called ASP.NET_SessionId. These cookies are used to maintain your user session. If you disallow this cookie it may cause the application to fail.


These cookies are set by Visual Website Optimizer, which allows us to improve website usability.

We work with several partners who serve advertisements on our behalf. Most of these third party marketing sites use both session and persistent cookies.

All data collected by these third parties is anonymous and will never contain your name, address, telephone number, email address or payment details. You can delete your cookies at any time from any of the third party marketing sites and technology partners mentioned below. We will never disclose your personal details to third parties without your specific permission.

More information on our third party, network and supplies relationships can be found below.

DoubleClick (various)

Doubleclick is an advertising business owned by Google. DoubleClick use cookies to serve our adverts on third party websites. The DoubleClick cookie serves relevant ads to potential customers and gathers information about how or if you are interacting with these ads. We use DoubleClick conversion tracking cookies to track on-site conversions.

Adform (various)

Adform’s advertising technology is used on many websites to gather statistics about visitors and collect information used to decide which ads to display, such as showing similar products to those a visitor has looked at before. Adform uses a cookie mechanism for this purpose, but only on an anonymous basis. This means that Adform stores no personal information such as email addresses, names or addresses in the cookie or in the cookie-based profile. Adform Privacy Policy.

Struq (pref)

Struq cookies collect browsing data – like the products you have viewed. This data may then be used by other website(s) in their network to serve advertisements containing products that you may have looked at or similar products. Advertisements will always include a link to Struq's Privacy Policy page. If you'd like to opt out of ad targeting, or would like to see more information on why you are being retargeted, simply click the blue 'i' icon which appears in the top right hand corner of every advertisement. Alternatively, if you wish to opt out of receiving Struq advertisements altogether, please go to Struq’s Cookie and Privacy Policy